California Climate Equity Coalition Opposes Proposed Restriction on Cap-and-Trade Funds (ACA-1)

SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA – The California Climate Equity Coalition today announced its strong opposition to ACA-1, a state constitutional amendment proposed by Assembly Republican leader Chad Mayes. Greenlining Institute Environmental Equity Director Alvaro Sanchez said, “California has made it a centerpiece of our fight against climate change to deliver real benefits to Californians who are most … Read more

Action Alert! Don’t Sell Out on Cap and Trade

We are concerned. The latest state greenhouse gas cap and trade legislative proposal and accompanying air quality measure has oil industry fingerprints all over it. The Coalition for Clean Air does not support a cap-and-trade program designed to cater to industry demands over the need to reduce pollution, reach our climate targets, and improve air … Read more

Fireworks, particulates, and your health

In my humble opinion, fireworks are really cool. They’re a bright, colorful expression of American patriotism. Unfortunately, fireworks also create lots of particulate matter. The flashy explosions that create cool patterns in the night sky also leave a lot of dust and particulates that hang around in the air. The graph below displays the fine … Read more