Take Action: Urge the Governor to Veto these bills!

Take Action for Clean Air!Urge the Governor to Stand Up for Clean Air Solutions and VETO AB 1122, AB 1296, and AB 3179 Today!

We have worked hard this year to pass clean air legislation and protect Californians’ health and to stop bills that

would worsen air and climate pollution.  Unfortunately, the Legislature passed a few special-interest bills that have the potential to wreak havoc on two important safeguards: the Commercial Harbor Craft and Advanced Clean Fleets Rules. These measures will stop pollution from some of the dirtiest sources of pollution in California–trucks and service boats–and have undergone years of public input. Please contact Governor Newsom today to ask him not to undermine these important protections and to VETO these three bad bills: AB 1122 (Baines), AB 1296 (Grayson), and AB 3179 (J. Carrillo).


Click here to go to the Governor’s contact page.

Fill out the contact form (Select An Active Bill as the Topic and then select AB 1122, AB 1296, and AB 3179 from the list of bills. You may need to submit the form multiple times, once for each bill. Make sure to select Con as your stance on the topic). Feel free to use the template letters below as the email message. We encourage you to personalize the letter by using one of our prompts highlighted below.

Alternatively, you can submit your comments to leg.unit@gov.ca.gov.

AB 1122 Template Letter:

Dear Governor Newsom,

I am contacting you today to urge you to veto AB 1122 by Assemblymember Baines. I am concerned about the effects air pollution has on my family, my community, and myself. Californians breathe the smoggiest air in the nation which results in our most vulnerable Californians living shorter and sicker lives. AB 1122 would exacerbate this situation by providing unnecessary carve-outs for industry and jeopardize the implementation of the Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) Rule. The current rule has adequate exemptions, extensions, and flexibility and any amendments to the rule would require the California Air Resources Board to go back to the EPA for authorization of the rule-thereby significantly delaying its implementation.

In compliance with the Governor’s executive order N-79-20, CARB updated the CHC in 2022 to accelerate emissions reductions from harbor craft, setting the nation’s first zero-emission mandate for short-run ferries. The rule requires other regulated vessels to opt for cleaner engines. Harbor craft are a major driver of air pollution at seaports and surrounding portside communities.

Harbor craft are well suited for zero-emission technologies, and there are record funding opportunities to support their transition. Alongside the CHC, CARB has already issued Executive Order DE-24-003 in September 2024 for CARB-verified diesel particulate filters (DPFs) to allow for the installation and use of these systems. As such, the bill’s requirement of an override or bypass feature for aftermarket equipment is unnecessary.

In addition, section (h) of the bill would delay the regulatory requirements for certain harbor craft to install a new engine or retrofit an existing engine. The CHC already provides a feasible pathway toward low- or zero-emission harbor craft. The rule does not mandate the installation of equipment that would limit engine power or the operational ability of harbor craft. The rule also allows for renewable compliance extensions and includes a flexible extension process. Section (h) of the bill is unnecessary and may allow operators to purposely delay their transition.

The Commercial Harbor Craft rule will significantly reduce diesel soot, nitrogen oxides, and cancer risk to over 22 million residents that live within 50 miles of the coast.

Feel free to add a personalized message here. Examples include:

  • I am concerned about the health of my family which will be exacerbated by poor air quality
  • I live near the coast or a portside community and will be impacted by this rule
  • My kids were forced to stay indoors/outdoor practices were canceled due to the bad air quality days we’ve experienced.
  • The increasing heat waves worry me about the future of the planet my children and grandchildren will inherit.

If enacted, AB 1122 would exacerbate air pollution. I urge you to veto this bill to protect our air and create a better future for my community and all of California.


[Your Name Here]

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AB 1296 Template Letter:

Dear Governor Newsom,

I am contacting you today to urge you to veto AB 1296 by Assemblymember Grayson. I am concerned about the effects air pollution has on my family, my community, and myself. Californians breathe the smoggiest air in the nation which results in our most vulnerable Californians living shorter and sicker lives. AB 1296 would lead to further air emissions and provide unnecessary industry carve-outs at the expense of Californian’s health.

The bill would delay requirements for three pilot station boats to comply with the Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) rule. The bill’s unjustified extensions for pilot station boats threaten to undermine the CHC rule, which would reduce diesel emissions from harbor craft that directly harm portside communities.

In compliance with the Governor’s executive order N-79-20, CARB updated the CHC in 2022 to accelerate emissions reductions from harbor craft, setting the nation’s first zero-emission mandate for short-run ferries. The rule also requires other regulated vessels to opt for cleaner engines. Harbor craft are a major driver of air pollution at seaports and surrounding portside communities and are well suited for zero-emission technologies. There are record funding opportunities to support their transition.

The CHC already provides a feasible pathway toward low- or zero emission harbor craft. The existing rule includes necessary extensions and flexibilities to delay implementation requirements in certain circumstances. The processes to extend compliance dates to address challenges faced by bar pilot vessels already exist. In fact, some extensions within the existing rule have unlimited renewals.

If approved, AB 1296 bill would require amendments to the CHC rule that could force CARB to request a new authorization from the EPA. Considering the backlog of pending approvals and the upcoming election, this bill could set into motion a multi-year delay in the rule’s urgent implementation. The bill would also incur the additional cost of at least $2.4 million annually in ongoing costs to amend and implement the CHC rule. The legislature’s own analysis agrees that this is not the best use of state funds. Instead of forcing regulatory changes, we urge vessel operators to collaborate with CARB through their flexible extension process.

Feel free to add a personalized message here. Examples include:

  • I am concerned about the health of my family which will be exacerbated by poor air quality
  • My family experiences asthma and allergies which are made worse by air pollution.
  • The increasing heat waves worry me about the future of the planet my children and grandchildren will inherit.

AB 1296 will impact the health of my family and community.  We want no more delays in implementing the life-saving Commercial Harbor Craft rule!  Please veto this bill today without delay.


[Your Name Here]

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AB 3179  Template Letter:

Dear Governor Newsom,

I am contacting you today to urge you to Veto AB 3179 by Assemblymember Juan Carrillo. I am concerned about the effects air pollution has on my family, my community, and myself. Californians breathe the smoggiest air in the nation which results in our most vulnerable Californians living shorter and sicker lives. AB 3179 would exacerbate this situation by allowing industry carve-outs in the Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) Rule.

AB 3179 provides unnecessary exemptions for emergency telecommunications vehicles under the ACF rule, undermining the existing rule.  The rule already has built-in flexibilities, necessary exemptions, and multiple compliance pathways developed through a thorough public process with diverse stakeholders.

The landmark ACF rule complies with the Governor’s executive order N-79-20, which directed the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to increase the volume of new zero-emission trucks and buses sold and operated in California. The ACF requires the gradual phase-in of medium and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles (ZEV), achieving 100% new sales by 2036. Under full implementation the ACF rule will provide $26.5 billion in statewide health and air quality benefits and save fleet owners $48 billion by 2050 by gradually transitioning fleets to zero-emissions.

The ACF’s following provisions were designed to ensure that essential services, including emergency telecommunications, are not disrupted during the ZEV transition:

  1. ZEV Purchase Exemption: Fleet owners who cannot comply with the ACF due to the unavailability of ZEVs for their particular application may purchase internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.
  2. Daily Usage Exemption: Fleet owners whose operational needs exceed the capability of available ZEVs may purchase ICE vehicles with proper documentation and justification.
  3. ZEV Infrastructure Delay Extension: Fleet owners who are facing infrastructure delays can apply for extensions.

By proposing an unnecessary additional narrow exemption, AB 3179 threatens to create confusion and revisions at a time when certainty and regulatory stability are most needed. If approved, AB 3179 would require amendments to the ACF that could delay EPA authorization and prevent CARB from implementing the rule. A multi-year delay in the urgent implementation of this important public health measure would reduce its crucial health benefits and emissions reductions for frontline communities. The unnecessary amendments to the ACF rule under AB 3179 would incur the additional cost of at least $1.4 million in 2024-25, $465,000 in 2025-26, and $232,000 annually thereafter.

Feel free to add a personalized message here. Examples include:

  • I am concerned about the health of my family which will be exacerbated by poor air quality
  • I live near highways and/or the port and am concerned about the impact nearby truck pollution is having on me, my family, and my community
  • My kids were forced to stay indoors/outdoor practices were canceled due to the bad air quality days we’ve experienced.

Please veto AB 3179 today!


[Your Name Here]

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