Loving on Electric Vehicles

We know that exhaust from cars, trucks and buses pollute our air and contribute to climate change. So what do electric vehicles have to do with air quality? Unlike gasoline powered vehicles that emit harmful pollutants such as NOx from their tailpipes, electric vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions. This means that less of these toxic … Read more

Can California Kick the Oil Habit?

Oil has had a grip on the Golden State for too long. More than 90% of our transportation energy comes from petroleum, and the production, refining, and use of petroleum accounts for almost half of greenhouse gas emissions, 80 percent of smog-forming pollution, and over 95 percent of cancer-causing diesel particulate matter in our state, … Read more

CCA Welcomes New Development Director Brian Sheridan

Brian Sheridan joined the Coalition for Clean Air as the new Development Director in October. He has over 14 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, most recently with the Council for Watershed Health where he spearheaded the growth of outreach, funding and events. Brian is excited to be working at the Coalition for Clean … Read more